Morgans Fine Fish

Morgans Fine Fish is a family owned seafood processor with a strong rural base in Omeath, Co. Louth.
They have sourced and prepared the finest fresh fish since 1860. Their business was built on serving their customers with the highest quality, freshest fish, delivering above and beyond, when needed.

They believe in vibrant coastal communities nurturing people, planet and profit through sustainable business practices. They believe that to move forward into the next 160 years, innovation and the sustainability of seafood is paramount.

List of products
Whitefish: • Cod, Haddock, Hake, Halibut, Lemon sole, Monkfish, Plaice, Ray, Sea bass, Whiting Salmon / Oil Rich Fish: • Salmon, Rainbow Trout, Sea Trout, Mackerel Smoked Fish: • Smoked Haddock, Smoked Coley, Smoked Cod, Smoked Salmon Shellfish: • Prawns, Mussels, Oysters, Crab, Lobster Frozen Fish: • Various Prawns, Crab Meat, Mussel Meat, Squid Tubes Added Value: • Extensive range of value added products
Dunnes Stores, Aldi, Supervalu, Nolans of Clontarf, Independent Retailers.
Business details
Co. Louth
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