
Keep Discovering Boyne Valley Flavours
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Boyne Valley Flavours initially began when a group of passionate food producers and hospitality providers came together to support and promote the local food offering across the region. Since then the movement has grown significantly and in 2013 the Boyne Valley Food Series was born, a unique calendar of events which celebrates our land, our heritage, our people and of course of produce, which helped cement the region as a leading plater on the national food stage. This new milestone in food tourism in the Boyne Valley saw the network work together to deliver authentic culinary food experiences to all, embracing the marriage between the landscape and the flavours produced in the region.
Boyne Valley Flavours now encompasses much more that the Boyne Valley Food Series, in 2016 a Boyne Valley Food Strategy was devised, a collaboration between both Meath and Louth County Councils, to help support all existing initiatives and introduce new innovative aspects, which have been structured, as part of a road map and will help guide all stakeholders in a focused direction. While the strategy sits under the Boyne Valley banner, it has been written with all parts of both counties in mind, on the basis that the tourist or consumer does not necessarily recognise geographic boundaries. Following the successful launch of the strategy and the interest in food in the region growing a new brand was devised, “Discover Boyne Valley Flavours” so that all stakeholders could work together under the one brand. A Food Network was set up, made up of passionate food & drink producers, foodservice providers and food experiences / tourism activities who work together to build and promote the Boyne Valley region as a “Foodie Destination”.
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