Martry Mill Porridge Bread

Martry Mill Porridge Bread
Serves 2 as a snack
Are you one of those people (or households) who find themselves sort-of incapable of judging porridge portions? Sometimes underestimating, sometimes over? We usually fall into the latter so quite often there’s a big spoon or two of warm porridge left sadly outstanding –– so how do you use it up? In a delicious bread recipe that tackles potential waste and showcases the stunning traditionally-milled wholewheat from Martry Mill.
- 150g leftover porridge, gone cold and firm
- 225g strong white bread flour (usually anywhere upwards from 11/12g protein is ideal)
- 175g Martry Mill wholewheat flour
- A handful of oats, for sprinkling
- 1/2 tsp fine Oriel Sea Salt
- 7g dried yeast
- 7g salt
- 225ml water
- 30g sugar
- To a stand mixer bowl (or in a standalone mixing bowl) combine all the ingredients except the oats (for topping later) and combine. Work the mixture for about five minutes by which point it will have come together and be sticky but also beginning to become elastic. Cover and allow to double in size.
- Punch back the dough and allow to sit for five minutes to relax, then on a lightly floured work surface, turn the dough out and knead for a minute or so to make taught. Don’t worry if it’s still sticky, just try to get it as taught as possible and then place in your bread tin.
- Lightly oil a piece of cling film to cover the bread and sprinkle the bread with the oats then cover with the cling film, oiled side down (tip: this makes it easier to remove the cling film as it acts as a barrier between the dough and the wrap). Allow a second prove until risen by half (or 60 minutes, whichever is quicker) –– light warning: don’t be tempted to over-prove the dough, as it still needs to grow in the oven and have its ‘oven spring’ so be mindful of this.
- Heat the oven to 200ºC then bake the bread in the middle shelf of the oven for about 35-45 minutes until risen, lightly golden and when popped out of the tin has a hollow sound when the bottom is tapped.
- Allow to cool to just warm, then slice and eat. When it’s still just about warm, wrap it in a damp, clean tea towel to keep soft. Best eaten the day or day after its made.