Boyne Grove Fruit Farm

Stagrennan Farm is situated on the banks of the Boyne, just south of the medielval town of Drogheda. Straddling the counties of Meath and Louth, it is home to over 80 acres of apple trees, with bramleys accounting for bulk of the crop. Boyne Grove Fruit Farm's orchard operations are based around a minimum of interference with nature's way.

Their food production relies on the best and most natural ingredients. They use recyclable materials for all their packaging needs. Their bottles, lids, foil trays and cartons are fully recyclable. Stagrennan Farm provides a wonderful habitat for all sorts of wild animals and flowers to thrive. On a stroll around the farm, you're likely to encounter rabbits, hares, badgers, squirrels, foxes, pheasants, ducks, buzzards, cranes and many many more, as well as lots of different species of wildflower.