Boyne Valley Businesses Announced as Origin Green Gold Members 2021

To attain Origin Green Gold Membership a company must demonstrate exceptional annual performance in areas such as raw material sourcing; water and energy efficiency; waste reduction; packaging; and social sustainability. This year’s Origin Green Gold Members excelled most in the areas of energy, packaging and community engagement.
Newgrange Gold
Newgrange Gold has contributed positively to increasing and protecting the biodiversity within the Boyne Valley area. They have installed 10 Bat and 10 Bird Boxes on the farm and have planted 12 native trees on their grounds.
The Newgrange Gold website features a Health & Nutrition tab on which information on the beneficial qualities of the rapeseed and camelina oil is provided.
This business has pledged to plant native trees each year in partnership with East Coast Tree Project to help offset its carbon footprint and in so doing helping restore local nature and fight climate change.

Nick's Fish
Nicholas Lynch Ltd is a family run business that was founded by Nicholas Lynch in 1984 after he had decided to change from working on his brother John’s fishing boat, The Marita, to the processing and wholesale side of the fishing industry.
Today Nicholas Lynch Ltd is run by Nicholas and Niall who with their team have developed a very strong wholesale business as well as two retail shops which are regarded as some of the top in the country, both winning multiple awards within the sector. The company has always prided itself with it’s very strong focus on quality and in such everything goes through a “hand Filleting” process with no filleting machines which has led the company to be widely established as experts in quality seafood processing.
Nick's Fish salmon has Irish Organic Farmers and Growers Association (IOFGA) certification, and will maintain this as part of their Origin Green objectives. Commitment to Water Use Reduction With water consumption being a major factor to their business, Nick's Fish will investigate the possibility of installing a rainwater harvesting system on-site to reduce water consumption.