Sonairte Eco Shop


Sonairte Eco Shop sells certified organic fresh fruit and vegetables from their own Organic Garden, alongside a range of sustainable food and household products to help you live a more sustainable life.

The Sonairte Eco Shop, located in Laytown, Co. Meath, has a strong focus on organic, zero waste, plastic free, people and planet friendly, low carbon footprint living. Wherever possible, their products are locally produced or are Fair Trade. Their aim is to be a community hub, enabling people to live more sustainably to address the two interlinked crises the world currently faces – the climate crisis and the biodiversity crisis.
Fresh, seasonal, vegetables, fruits, & cut herbs, produced in the Sonairte garden are 100% single use, plastic free, and all of our produce is sold in paper or compostable PLA bags. Their very popular Veg Bag scheme enables you to have seasonal local items delivered to your door.
Business details
The Ninch,
Co. Meath.
A92 D9XH
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